Steve McDonald’s (Simon Gregson) journey into the world of online dating in Coronation Street has been…interesting to say the least.
After splitting up with Tracy (Kate Ford), Steve decided to try and find himself a new partner.
During an afternoon in the pub, Steve met up with a lady called Demi and they got on really well. It was clear there was a spark but sadly,
Steve continuously put his foot in it by mentioning ex Tracy and her new partner Tommy Orpington – a classic error when it comes to the dating world.
This was enough for Demi to end things with Steve but next week, Amy (Elle Mulvaney) realises his eyes might be elsewhere already.
In the pub, Steve, Amy and Daniel (Rob Mallard) discuss care package options with Ken (William Roache) after his fall. As they chat about funding, Cassie (Claire Sweeney) listens in and later offers to be Ken’s carer for a quarter the price of a professional.
As Cassie starts her work at Number 1, Steve makes out to Ken that she’s a qualified carer and they hired her through an agency.

However, when Cassie reveals she’s had no training and only stepped in to help the family save a bit of cash, Ken is furious.
In the week, when Cassie arrives at Number 1 ready for her next shift, Steve relishes in telling her the first task of the day is to cut Ken’s toenails.
Brb, need a moment.
As Cassie gets to know Ken and Steve, Amy realises there’s a bit of a spark between her dad and Evelyn’s (Maureen Lipman) daughter.
However, when she puts this theory forward to Steve, he’s in denial about his attraction to her.
Intriguing – just where could this lead?
It’s certainly an unlikely duo, but could Cassie and Steve become an item?