What’s coming up in the ED?
Next week on Casualty, Rash hits rock bottom following a shock accusation, while Faith’s past comes back to haunt her and Ngozi grows concerned about Nicole.
Here’s a full collection of the biggest moments coming up:
1. Rash feels the pressure

Rash is stressed about his upcoming assessment.
Dylan reassures him that he will be fine and observes him as he talks to Tom, who is suffering with chest pain.
Despite Dylan’s support, Rash’s nerves get the better of him.
2. Faith gets a blast from the past

Iain brings in a patient and Faith is shocked to recognise her as Astrid from her NA meetings.
Astrid denies any break in her sobriety, but when Faith and Cam increase the dosage of a drug with strong side effects, she is forced to come clean about her use of ketamine.
As things get tense between the old friends, Astrid publicly reveals to the entire ED how Faith treated patients while under the influence of drugs.
3. Patrick makes a shock accusation

Patrick exposes the email Rash had written to HR about what he witnessed a couple of weeks ago.
Turning the tables, Patrick accuses him of being the whistleblower.
As the tension grows between them, Rash confronts Patrick about being secretive.
With the heat on him, Rida also attempts to comfort Rash about being the whistleblower, leaving him furious.
4. Ngozi grows concerned about Nicole

Rosie makes repeated attempts to contact Nicole on her the shift, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Ngozi.
Nicole praises Rosie’s care and cooking, but Ngozi clocks this ‘controlling’ behaviour, and tries to question Rosie’s say in Nicole’s diet.
5. Rash hits rock bottom

In the light of the accusations against him, Rash heads to the hospital roof.
As he looks down, Rash fights his inner thoughts but backs away, frightened of what he was thinking.
6. Faith struggles with her feelings for Iain

Stevie urges Faith to confide in Iain about her feelings for him.
Emboldened, Faith asks Iain if he’d like to go for a drink with her – hoping for a chance to reconnect.
Once in the pub, they talk as friends but things grow awkward when Faith brings up Astrid.
Iain slowly changes his tune towards her, urging Faith to go home – before leaving abruptly.
7. Teddy struggles to cope

Teddy is struggling to cope in the wake of his assault, and his out-of-character behaviour is impacting his collegues.
Needing a way to channel his emotions, Teddy challenges Jacob to spar, which later turns aggressive.